The complaint regarding the allegations of irregularities in voting in 20 seats during the Haryana assembly elections has now reached the Supreme Court. A petition was filed in this regard saying that the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) were tampered with during the elections. The Election Commission of the country (ECI) should be ordered to investigate this. The petition filed by Priya Mishra and Vikas Bansal said that the Election Commission has conducted elections in Haryana through EVMs and has also declared the results on that basis. The petitioner says that some EVMs were working on 99 percent battery capacity while some EVMs were working on less than 60- 70 and 80% battery capacity. Some EVMs had 99% battery even on the day of counting. The petition said that EVM irregularities were caught during voting and counting at some polling stations. The Congress leaders and workers present on the spot had also told the election officer present there about the EVM irregularities but no hearing took place.